Friday, October 7, 2016

Autumn in the Vineyard greetings

Autumn is one of my favorite seasons in wine country and I couldn't resist sharing this scoop with you!

Marina Adair is another author who writes romance set in wine country. She's a doll, one of my favorite authors, and a friend who's been very supportive of my writing career.
Marina sold her book, Autumn in the Vineyard to the Hallmark Channel and the movie airs tomorrow night, Saturday October 7!
The story is set in St. Helena just a few miles from where I'm writing this blog. I think you'll a kick out of watching it.
Here's the youtube preview: [Autumn in the Vineyard ]

I loved her book and can't wait to see how they make it into a movie!

Here are a few of my Autumn in the vineyards photos:

Look at the colors!

The sky is cobalt blue this time of year!

I love reading romance set in wine country so much, I wrote my own story. It's called Just a Kiss. It's set in Sonoma and Napa and many scenes take place in the fall. Read the blurb on Amazon here
Let me know what you're reading or watching. I love hearing from readers. Happy fall y'all!
Until next time, Kate

Here's where to find me: 